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What's Green Beauty?

Feb 11, 2022 Shero Classroom
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What does "Green Beauty" mean?

I bet you have definitely heard about "Clean," "Natural," "Organic," "Green" beauty, but are they the same?

To understand the definition of "Green Beauty," it's better for us the define them separately. "Green " implies natural, derived from the plants and the minerals with no chemical ingredient; whereas "beauty" means beauty products. In this point of view, green beauty turns out to be an enormous concept. It can refer to beauty products that are sourced with botanical ingredients. It can even step further to be produced and packaged ethically and sustainably.

We don't have an official definition of "green beauty." And unlike cruelty-free or organic beauty products, there's no certification for it, just like clean beauty. So, let's back to the beginning question, is "Clean," "Natural," "Organic," "Green" beauty the same? The answer is that the concept of green beauty includes clean, natural, and organic beauty, but they're not the same.

Though the definition of green beauty is yet clear, there's one thing we're pretty sure about: our eco-friendly consciousness is on the rise. More and more people are willing to spend more time and budget on "green beauty." Contact us!